Capsule is now an AI-powered video editor for teams! Learn more
Our UGC collection tool will soon merge into this editor for an all-in-one experience.
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How-To Videos

Create a quick instructional video to offer support from anywhere

Want to help your customers, colleagues, or community from anywhere? Creating a quick how-to video is way more engaging than written instructions. With Capsule Studio, you can record yourself talking through the process in-app or upload a pre-recorded walkthrough. Once your footage is live, you can trim, polish, and tweak, adding branding, captions, music, and more. It’s super easy — and fun. Get started today with our How-To Video Template.

Key Features
  • Record or upload from any device
  • Trim, edit, and polish
  • Add captions, music, and more
  • Resize for any platform
  • Download, embed, or share
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