Capsule is now an AI-powered video editor for teams! Learn more
Our UGC collection tool will soon merge into this editor for an all-in-one experience.
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Lead Nurturing Videos

Keep the sales cycle moving with quick and timely videos

One well-timed lead nurturing video can keep a conversation going or even reignite a cold deal. Videos are quick, personal, and engaging, generally performing better than an email or a phone call follow-up. With Capsule Studio, you can create lead nurturing videos in seconds from anywhere. Just record a quick message with our in-app camera or upload footage from your device, then add branding, captions, and more. You’ll get a polished, engaging video that you can download or share on any platform. And best of all, you can templatize the process, so it’s easy to recreate videos with the same effects each time. Make video a key part of your lead nurturing strategy. It’s easy with Capsule.

Key Features
  • Record from any device
  • Add branding and captions
  • Trim, edit, and polish
  • Download or share anywhere
Blog post

How to Convert Your Community into an Online Customer Powerhouse

You have a loyal online following. Now learn how to turn your community into customers with user-generated content.